Home » Harbour Pointe Blvd Asphalt Pathway Repair Project

Harbour Pointe Blvd Asphalt Pathway Repair Project

About the Project

The Harbour Pointe Blvd Asphalt Pathway Repair project is a priority project in Mukilteo’s Annual Sidewalk Repair Program. The asphalt shared use pathways along both sides of Harbour Pointe Blvd between 47th Pl W at its northern point and Cyrus Way at the southern point, have developed significant damage to the walking surface over time (figure #1), with maturing tree roots being the primary cause for the damage. In May of 2023, the City engaged with the consultant engineering firm, Perteet Inc., to identify and map damaged areas to the pathway needed for repair. The final design and permitting have been completed. Construction activities are estimated to begin mid-June 2024 with project completion on or before September 2024.

Pathway damage due to maturing tree roots. (Figure #1)

Project Description

This project will repair damaged asphalt walking surfacing on Harbour Pointe Blvd between 47th PL W and Cyrus Way which will eliminate cracked, raised, and/or uneven surfaces along the asphalt shared-use pathway (figure #2).

Overall repair work zones. (figure #2)

This project consists of three (3) primary construction activities:

  • Trees creating significant damage to the asphalt pathway will be removed during the trail repair process. The remaining tree stumps will be ground in place to approximately 1 foot below surface grade. The remaining voids will be filled with topsoil and hydro seeded with grass seed.
  • Damaged sections of asphalt that have been marked for repair will be removed, loaded into trucks, and hauled from the site. Tree roots will be removed from under these asphalt sections with new base course rock placed and compacted for subgrade stability and leveling. New asphalt surfacing will be placed by machine and compacted to maintain path connectivity.
  • New trees will be planted to replace the removed trees at a scale of 1:1 along the repair areas. Replacement plantings will take place in the late fall/early winter 2024 to ensure spring root growth in 2025. Replacement trees will be spaced to allow future growth, and root barrier (both curb & trail sides) will be added to protect the trail system as trees mature.

During the construction process, both pedestrian detour routes & traffic control will be provided by the contractor in Harbour Pointe Blvd work zones for Public safety.

Goals and Benefits

It is the City’s goal to repair areas of damage to the existing asphalt pathway which will eliminate trip hazards, and provide a safe, level walking surface for foot traffic and ADA accessibility.

Public Outreach

During the construction phase, the City of Mukilteo will utilize various forms of communication to keep the residential community informed of the project, namely, through the City’s project website and signage during construction and through key points of contact to respond to requests for information regarding the construction operations. Public meetings are not anticipated during the construction phase of the project.

Upcoming Meetings

No meetings are scheduled at this time.

Project Schedule

February 2024 – PE & design completed. Final R/W permitting process.

March 2024 – Advertised for construction

June 2024 – A project pre-construction conference will be scheduled with the start of construction anticipated for mid-June, 2024.

August 2024 – Project completion.

Project Funding

The Harbour Pointe Blvd Pathway Repair project will be funded with a combination of state and local grants which include a Dept. of Commerce LEED grant of $250,260, a Snohomish County REET II grant of $45,000, along with local funds. In addition to the already secured grants, the City is in the application process for a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant for $500,000. Design and construction estimate to completion is $1,430,000.


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