May 8 is Mukilteo’s 69th Birthday

Birthday iconHappy Birthday, Mukilteo!  On Sunday May 8, our lovely City will be 69 years old. Incorporated on May 8, 1947, Mukilteo had a population of 775. In 1980 an area to the south of the city boundaries was annexed, which was followed by the 1991 annexation of Harbour Pointe: a master planned community that included a shopping center and an award winning public golf course. The Harbour Pointe annexation almost doubled the city’s population from 6,900 to 13,000 and increased the city’s area to 6.6 square miles.

No special birthday celebration is planned for this year. Next year will be the big 7-0!

To learn more about the City, click on this link: About Mukilteo.


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