Park Work Party Events

Volunteer and Explore Your Parks!

Do you enjoy the out-of-doors? Volunteering in your parks is a great way to get outside and connect with your community while working on a project that makes a difference.

Program Goals:

  • To provide an opportunity for community volunteers to become more deeply engaged in stewarding public land.
  • To ensure the long term sustainability of natural areas that benefit flora, fauna, people, air and water.
  • To educate the community on the importance of protecting, enhancing and maintaining natural areas as well as access to these special places.

Who Can Volunteer: Anyone can volunteer; individuals, couples, families and students. Those under 18-years of age may volunteer with the signed permission of a parent or guardian.

General Information:

  • Events begin with an overview of the project with an emphasis throughout the day on safety, fun, learning and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Projects run rain or shine, so come prepared and check the weather!
  • Suggest you dress in layers of older clothes that include long pants, long sleeve shirt and a jacket. Durable footwear such as work boots, hiking boots or running shoes are recommended. All volunteers are required to wear close-toed shoes at the projects.
  • Some of the worksites are exposed, so bring sun gear too if you think it will be a sunny day. 

To Register for a Work Party Event:

    • A calendar will appear, click to the monthly calendar of the event you would like to register for. A screen will pop up asking you to fill in your name, address, phone, email, etc., once completed click on the sign-up button and you will be registered for the Work Party Event.
  • Projects have a maximum amount of volunteer spaces available so sign up early!

For more information or questions call the Rosehill Community Center: 425.263.8180.


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