Long Range Planning

In addition to day-to-day planning and review of development projects, the Planning division develops and updates long term plans to help the city define its vision and refine its policies.

City of Mukilteo Comprehensive Plan

If you put a name tag, Google Maps, and your favorite recipe in a blender, it would look a little like a Comprehensive Plan:

  • Part introduction – describing Mukilteo as it exists today;
  • Part trip planning – deciding where we want to be in 20 years; and
  • Part cookbook – choosing the mix of ingredients to get us there.

We update our Comprehensive Plan at least once a decade – setting the policy direction and vision for how the city will look and feel in twenty years.

Long-Range Planning in Context

Long-term plans happen in a larger context. Mukilteo’s Comprehensive Plan needs to align with:

The Municipal Research and Services Center is a good resource for learning more about Comprehensive Planning and the Washington State Growth Management Act.

Email planningdept@mukilteowa.gov with questions.

Other City Plans

While the Comprehensive Plan is the guiding policy document for land use decisions city-wide, sometimes we write plans for a specific topic or subarea. These focused plans supply background information and vision that informs the policies in the Comprehensive Plan:

File: https://mukilteowa.gov/wp-content/uploads/Japanese-Gulch-Master-Plan-Final-Full-Document-Reduced-Size.pdf
Link: https://mukilteowa.gov/departments/planning-development/planning-long-range/japanese-gulch-master-plan/japanese-gulch-master-plan-final-full-document-reduced-size/

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