Street Sweeping

The City is equipped with one street sweeper that covers almost 67 miles of roadway within the city limits.

Street sweeping is vital to keeping Mukilteo’s storm drain debris and contaminant free. In the winter, the regular sweeping can be impeded due to intense snowy and icy conditions.  During these events, maintenance efforts are concentrated on applying de-icer (when the timing and temperature are right), sanding streets, and plowing. Please see the snow removal map for routes and priorities.

Residents can help to keep sidewalks clean and clear

As a resident or property/business owner in Mukilteo, you are responsible for keeping sidewalks adjacent to your property clear of any debris or obstructions. Property owners are responsible for trimming vegetation in order to maintain visibility of traffic signs and to ensure a clear line of sight at intersections and driveways.

How to request road maintenance and other services

To report a street light repair, potholes, tree hazards in the right-of-way, flashing crosswalk malfunctions, and street sweeping contact the Public Works Department at 425-263-8170 or submit a Fix It Public Works form.


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